juliana snapper


Skeet in the Broek (2013)

A Juliana Snapper's installation in response to an invitation/challenge from artist and curator Paul W. Evans to create a silent work, dependent purely on visual rhythms and spare of operatic glamours.

Part of the Leg Room show, this work —a silent single channel video projected onto bare mattress— was installed at the Shoebox Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, USA (2013, July 27—Aug. 2).

About Leg Room

Exploring a way that primal dance impulses may exist in 2013, Leg Room was a show of 11 videos that interpret dance, movement, and choreography within a set of assigned structural restrictions for the artists.

Each artist was asked to make a short, no longer than one minute video that used their own body, or other people's bodies, to choreograph or improvise their own interpretation of dance.

The artists embraced, or fought with, the semi-rigid structure to their creative advantage, producing a group of exciting and distinct work.

The curators (Paul W. Evans & Jonathon Hornedo), assuming the role of lead choreographers, then projected the videos in a way that conveys a sense of struggle for individual space amongst a group of individuals.